Aug 11, 2011

UWS afternoon

do you know this is my first time visiting Columbia University after coming here for 5 years?
I know! what a long time! 
we walked around the campus in such a hot/beautiful Sunday afternoon and had savory crepe as our brunch. (yum, and yes because of their sangria i was a lil dizzy~) 

went to a church nearby CU afterwards.
so inappropriate to be drunk and in a church, but whatever, it's such a great church with silence and peace. 

walking and walking...
headed to Lincoln Center and the final destination was Toys R Us!!
had so much fun by seeing LEGO, singing monsters, and XXL babe animal figures! 
so adorable which makes you wanna bring the whole set to home with you. :P 

top and shorts: American Apparel
bodysuit: Blackmilk
cutout boots: Jeffrey Campbell

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